This past weekend I had my fabulous (and fellow interior designer) girlfriend in town and we made a stop to shop at CB2...
...and I have to say I was quite impressed with the design and the prices!!! In these times, design should not be a luxury and I am so glad many companies are falling suit.
I am visiting my childhood home in Kansas City and it CERTAINLY feels like fall, a stark contrast from my sunny California studio location. The leaves are turning these bright, saturated colors and it makes for the most interesting mix of pattern and color. So, my inspiration today is Osborne and Little I love love love the rich patterns and the opulent colors - very British, very chic!
It was my (very stylish) mother who turned me onto Stephen Shubel, one of San Francisco's most innovative and eclectic designers. I know that many design blogs have featured his work, but I just can't help myself. Check him out if you haven't already!
There are no words for what one can do in a living space. I'll just let these rooms from past House Beautiful issues speak for themselves. Which one is your favorite?
Now, I know animal skin rugs have been done before, but I am particularly fond of this bleached-out, black and white POP of a room. Who wouldn't want to entertain here?
a picture from my travels. Ah, to be a girl of 22 again and traveling the world with her girlfriends...I will forever get my design inspiration from traveling. The faces, the people, the colour - its like a lush banquet of design everyday you spend on a trip. I am currently lusting after a few of my friends, who leave for Tibet in a month. Have fun!!!
Anyone who lives in a big city knows what its like to live in a small space. Here, designer Michael Potter transforms a Hayes Valley residence from small to chic and spacious.
I just love the juxtaposition of the old and the new!
Hawthorne Studios is a boutique design firm located in San Francisco. This is the place where we share all the beauty that we cannot keep inside (and a little from our portfolio, too!)
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All of the images on this site were sourced, scanned, resized, or formatted for each post. Please do not use any of these images without permission, or linking back to Hawthorne Studios.